Material Fact – PR3 Lot Auction Results

Material Fact – PR3 Lot Auction Results


CCR S.A. (“Company”) (B3: CCRO3; Bloomberg: CCRO3 BZ; Reuters: CCRO3.SA) hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, today, the Commission responsible for the bidding process under Concession Notice 05/2024 (“Notice”), promoted by the Federal Government through the National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT), declared that the Company won the bid for the provision of public services related to the recovery, operation, maintenance, monitoring, conservation, implantation of improvements, capacity expansion, and maintenance of service levels of the BR-369/373/376 and PR-090/170/323/445 Road System (PR3 Lot) (“Concession“).

The Company was declared the winner by offering the highest Discount on the Basic Toll Rate, at a percentage of 26.6%.

The Concession will have a term of 30 (thirty) years, starting from the signing of the Asset Listing and Transfer Agreement, as outlined in the Notice.

Securing this Concession marks the achievement of another important milestone in the strategic planning of Grupo CCR, which aims for qualified growth, capital discipline, and value creation for shareholders.


São Paulo/SP, December 12, 2024.

Investor Relations Officer