Material Fact – Bidding Notice – Rota Sorocabana
Material Fact – Bidding Notice – Rota Sorocabana
CCR S.A. (“Company”) (B3: CCRO3; Bloomberg: CCRO3 BZ; Reuters: CCRO3.SA) hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, today, the Commission responsible for the bidding process that is the object of International Bidding Notice 01/2024 (“Bidding Notice”), conducted by the São Paulo State Government, through the Regulatory Agency for Delegated Public Transportation Services of the São Paulo State – ARTESP (“ARTESP”), declared that the Company has been awarded the contract for the rendering of public services for the expansion, operation, conservation, maintenance and carrying out of the investments necessary for the exploration of the Highway System referred to as “Lote Rota Sorocabana” (“Concession“).
The Company won the contract by offering the highest grant value of R$1,601,000,000.00 (one billion, six hundred and one million reais).
The Concession will be effective for 30 (thirty) years, beginning upon signing of the Instrument of Initial Transfer, as provided for in the Bidding Notice.
The awarding of this Concession represents another milestone in Grupo CCR’s strategic planning aimed at its qualified growth, capital discipline, and value creation for shareholders.
São Paulo – SP, October 30, 2024.
Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations